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The online Bingo in Spain, thousands of players who move millions of euros

The online Bingo in Spain, thousands of players who move millions of euros

Whether as a hobby or trying to earn a few extra euros, but the online game does not stop growing in Spain.Both in volume of players and in figures.Thus, in the second quarter of 2016 they moved in prize 2,633.13 million euros a 32.06% more than moved in the same quarter last year. This figure, published by the Directorate General of Planning Game (DGOJ), is far superior to the fine for violating Spain avoided the deficit , which was 2,000 million, 0.2% of national GDP.

Best-Mobile-Casinos-in-Ireland-1536x878.jpgThese awards were preceded by some amounts played amounting intotal to 2731.98 million euros a 32.

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