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Red Star’s last game

Red Star’s last game

Red Star’s last game in European League

Hard basketball performance in the 13th round of ABA league between the Krka and Red Star after a thrilling battle belonged to Serbs. Belgrade this are in the Hall of Leon Štukelj a better second half glorified 71:65, Online Betting Review even though the home defender Luka Lapornik in the last two minutes, Online Betting Review which scored 9 points. Exact Šentjurčan was 17 points (meth for two 5: 6, three 1: Online Betting Review 2, free throws 4: 4) Finally, the first shooter game, but he had too little playful teammates to victory against high-profile opponent.

Best-Mobile-Casinos-in-Ireland-1536x878.jpgWith 12 points, followed by a center Jure Lalic. In the increasingly diverse guests are the 13 points achieved Stefan Jovic and Maik Zirbes, 10 but Branko Lazic and Vladimir Štimac that was precise in particular in the key moments of the game.

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